Although the common use of MSM-containing herbicides is still relatively new, only growing in popularity over the last decade or so, many observations have been made showing a direct correlation between MSM applications and ornamental tree and shrub decline. Most commonly within Oak species and Palms.
MSM products typically come in a dry, granular form and are mixed with water and applied with a sprayer. Rain or irrigation then helps the product work its way into the surrounding soil.
Trees and shrubs that have root systems extending beneath the soil into the treated turf areas have a potential to absorb these herbicides and fall into rapid decline. Additionally, when located in low-lying areas, these trees and shrubs appear to be even more affected due to rain runoff concentrating the herbicide around their root zones. Sudden and rapid necrosis of the vascular tissue, as well as a “scorched” or “fried” look to the foliage are signs often spotted in as little as 2-4 weeks after application.
Vascular tissue damage caused by MSM